Exercise you didn't even know you were doing

I'm really not going to beat about the bush here. Exercise, I don't much enjoy it. And during lockdown whatever we are on now i have done far less of it. Or so i thought. Did you know you are actually working out when you craft? Let me show you some videos as examples. ( I apologise how the videos are embedded, Shopifys blogging leaves SO MUCH room for improvement.)

 Arm Twists

 So every time you wind anything you are working out, winding yarn manually into a ball. Holding a skein for someone else to wind off of. Using a ball winder or even winding onto a niddy noddy like i am above. ALL excercise. 



Stretching when you block. I know you all do these weird lunges and leg movements when you block something. Well guess what, exercise. 

Up and Downs

Ah its time to sit and knit, but you forgot your pen, then your pattern, then your cuppa. Getting in and out of your chair is all wonderful excercise. 

Do you lift bro?

Searching through your stash and moving all the heavy boxes around. Who needs the gym. thats at least 50kg in that box. SWOLE.

They see me scrolling

Lastly there is all of the scrolling on *cough Rustyferret.co.uk cough* that's all exercise. those finger muscles are thanking you every time you buy yarn! 

So that's Lj's run down of exercises i have been doing whilst in lockdown, if you want to get fit, go scroll over on the shop and treat yo self! ;)

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